Building a Safety Culture with Ranes

“Boss, we’ve had a fatality.” These are the most shattering words you can hear as an employer. You’ll spend your days and nights thinking about what you could have done differently. You’ll go over every process and procedure to see what went wrong so that similar incidents won’t happen again. You will never forget the eyes of their loved ones as you explain the accident and why your employee will not be returning home to them. 

This is the reality for many employers, but it doesn’t have to be. You can build a positive safety culture in your workplace that will prevent accidents from happening in the first place. ClockWork Safety can help you do just that. We provide comprehensive safety procedures, training and forms, and checklists tailored to your specific workplace.

It’s a well-known fact that a potent offense is a great defense. What does an effective safety program entail? Companies spend a lot of time looking for the answer to this question. From the top, businesses attempt to impose safety measures. To an extent, this works. However, to make your company safe, you need to build a Safety Culture. This means that safety is not only top-down but it also permeates the entire organization.

It is not simple to establish a safety culture. It takes time and must start at the bottom. Your workers must believe that they should be safe for themselves, their families, and their coworkers. Most employees are only safe because it happens to be the most convenient and fastest way to get the job done. If there was an easier or faster way to get their work done that did not include being safe, they would instead do it that way.

Employees will comply with the safest work methods when they understand that this is expected of them. This may be achieved through a supervisor or a safety management member monitoring them, or their pay is directly linked to safe behavior. We must help our personnel abandon this perspective on safety.

When your workers choose to do the safe thing because they want to get home safely every day for their families, you’ll know your firm is putting safety above profit. When team members hold each other accountable and ensure that the entire team does the work safely, you’ll see a safety culture is a fundamental value.

When the wellbeing of your company becomes the shared responsibility of each individual, you’ll have created a positive safety culture. Creating this culture does not happen overnight. It is a journey that requires time and effort from everyone. With CWS by your side, you can be sure that you are taking the proper steps.

Make Safety Compliance and Mandatory

Your first step in making a safety culture is to make complying with safety requirements as easy as possible.  Employees should not have to go out of their way to be safe. Safety should be the default option.

This is where ClockWork Safety comes in. We make it easy for employees to comply with safety requirements by providing comprehensive safety procedures, training, and forms tailored to your specific workplace. With CWS training, incident reporting and form compliance are all tied to the employees’ ability to clock in and out, which ultimately forces compliance.

By making compliance required, you accomplish this aim by employing a tool that permits workers to complete all safety procedures while logged in to the program they use to clock in. This makes safety more convenient and accessible, allowing it to compel employees to obey.

Start Employee-Run Safety Committees

If the ultimate safety goal is to have employees be safe for themselves, their families, and their teammates, use them to develop ideas that will help define that culture. Employees who work for the Safety Committee should be compensated for their efforts. They should collaborate with their teammates to establish mentorship programs and safety awareness initiatives. The meetings shouldn’t be run by management; instead, they should serve as logistical backup for the safety committee.

Management should provide resources and support but ultimately let the committee do what’s best for them. When employees feel like they have a voice in the safety of their workplace, they are more likely to take ownership of it. This is why ClockWork Safety gives your team the ability to create and manage their own safety programs.

Base Activities Around the Most Common Injuries

He who fails to do the little things will fail little by little. It is essential to emphasize the importance of being safe even in the tiny common everyday tasks to make people think before taking more considerable risks. 

Make a big deal out of preventing slips and falls, lowering and lifting injuries, heat-related injuries, and other mundane injuries.

Safety should not be a one-time event. It should be an ongoing journey that requires continuous improvement. This will show the team how important safety is every day and all the time. As a bonus, your workforce will continue to be able to work, and you will pay less in your insurance costs.

Training your staff

An excellent way to start building a safety culture is implementing effective safety training programs. CWS can help you do this with our online safety training courses. One of the biggest struggles with employee training is finding the time and means to do the training. Trying to schedule all your employees into a meeting simultaneously can be time-consuming and costly.

ClockWork Safety changes that by providing training on each employee’s own schedule and wherever they are. With the CWS app, you can ensure that your employees take the time to do the training. You can schedule training sessions before specific tasks, like taking forklift training on their mobile device before they clock in for a task of operating a forklift. These courses are tailored to your workplace and cover all the necessary topics, from OSHA mandated training to customized training on your equipment. Creating a Safety Culture at your company is the best way to ensure every employee gets home to their loved ones.

By following these steps, you will be on your way to developing a safety culture within your organization. Safety should be a priority for every company, and with CWS, it can be easy to implement a plan that will work for you. Please don’t wait until it’s too late; start building a safety culture today.

Now that you know how to get started, there’s no excuse not to implement a safety culture in your workplace. It will take time and effort, but it’s worth it to prevent accidents and save lives. At Ranes, we are committed to helping you build a safety culture that lasts. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you make safety a priority in your organization.

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